isochronic crystals

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Have A Lucid Dream

Say farewell to your dreams and nightmares which are taking place beyond your control and imaginations and prepare to have lucid dream. Normally dreams occur while you are asleep and that happens without your consciousness. Lucid dreams are dreams which occur with your consciousness.

You don't need to be skeptical about its possibility. It does not require any extraordinary mind set or personality. If you are really interested to have lucid dream and ready to practice some intellectual exercises and make a little difference in your life style you can enjoy experience of lucid dreams.

To have lucid dream, you need to shape your mind and thoughts. Awareness is fully related to mind, so that you should be able to control your thoughts, reduce frequency of it and able to direct in a way you wish. Fist prepares your mind to have lucid dreams.

How is it possible, a relevant question? Human mind a world of mystery and you can shape and polish it according to your will, if you are constant in effort and disciplined in life style. In normal cases mind is full of thoughts and it work out without any proper control. As a first step to control your mind you need to acquire the ability to direct your mind according to your wishes, whenever you want to do.

You can train your mind by some intellectual exercises like meditation. Meditation will help you to slow down frequency of your thoughts when ever you desire and help you to improve concentration ability. Schedule a time and meditate daily for a little time.

You should convince your mind that you can have lucid dream. Lucid dreams have multiple benefits. It helps you to improve your personality and life style by visualizing your aims and goals. When you visualization of your success will fill up energy in your mind and fuel up your action to progress.

Next is preparing to have lucid dreams. To acquire this ability you need to develop recollecting skills. After each dream, try to recollect even minute details of it. Purchase a dream journal and write down on it. You can see progress in your observation and memorizing. When you are reading this journal, you will come to know the connection among these incidents and you will get a clear picture.

Once you improved your mind set to control you thoughts and able to recollect incidents, you can start to have lucid dreams. It is easy but always be very concentrated in your attempt. Convince your mind that you can have lucid dream, if not you may fail to see.

You can make use of it to create a world of your own. If you are able enough you can see dreams again and again. You can shape your mind according to your will. This will improve your confidence and encourage you to heights.

The author Helen Cheire writes for the popular site. You can enjoy the incredible experience of being able to have a lucid dream for yourself and get 29 Free lucid dream how to Audios when you visit here.

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Cot Bed Mattresses  | Learn how to lucid dream

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